
There are some commands that as I get more and more familiar with Rstudio I find myself typing again and again. Keyboard shortcuts are helpful (disclaimer: these mac versions). Option-Command-i will open a new Rmarkdown code chunk. Option - is a handy way of typing assignment (<-) Shift-Command-M is a fast way of adding a pipe (%>%) A little googling and here is a whole list that I am yet to learn.

cooking with datapasta

Another day… another data set. This time I am trying to get EMG data from LabChart into R. LabChart is the software we use to record EMG data and do the first steps of data cleaning/processing. At the moment a good chunk of the cleaning process involves Excel macros, so my goal is to replicate what we have traditionally done in Excel in R, so that it is more automated and more reproducible.

calculating age

I have been playing with a new (not actually new, but new to R) dataset this week. Successes: I loaded the data in using read_csv. I made dates into dates. The interview group is listed as 1s and 2s in the file so R thought those were integers. So I used as.factor to convert. dataframe$variable <- as.factor(dataframe$variable) I used lubridate package to specify that DOB and Test_date were dates with Day Month Year (dmy) format.