PAT for GitHub
How to set up a personalised authentiation token for github
How to set up a personalised authentiation token for github
I started a blog post and pushed it to the git repo that contains my blog. Charles forked my repo, cloned it to her machine, contributed to the post, and then pushed the updates to her forked copy of the repo. Then she did a pull request. People in git-land talk about PRs (pull requests) all the time, and the term seems backwards to me. A pull request is when you request that the owner of a repo “pull” the changes that you have made.
I have been a git user for 513 days. When I was first setting up this blog, my dear friend Charles T Gray helped me learn the 3 terminal commands that you need to know to interact with git in the most rudimentary of ways. git add . git commit -m “something meaningful” git push Since then I have mostly just used these 3 commands to push blog posts to git.
How would we learn R if not for google? Here are some things I googled this week (and mostly not for the first time).