
Use map to read many csv files

Dipping my toes in purrr here and replicating options from a super useful blog post I found by ClausWilke How to use map() to read in and bind together several .csv files Option 1 The simplest option; use when your .csv files contain ID/participant and all live your working directory Get list of .csv files called files. The code below looks for files that have .csv as part of the filename in the the working directory

I don’t like cats much

I don’t love cats. I am not a member of @RCatLadies. So the fact that Tidyverse packages for dealing with factors and functional programming have cat-related names (forcats and purrr) does not endear them to me. I knew there was a time when I would encounter an R problem that needed the power of for loops, so when I asked the Twittersphere whether there was an alternative (hopefully a tidyverse one) that would allow me to avoid loops a little longer, I was a bit disappointed to hear that it is the purrr package.